Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Get Creative As Fuel Costs Bite

Small towns are taking unusual measures to rein in rising costs.One town plans to put century old dams back to work generating electricity,while other communities are telling the workers to turn off their vehicles when stopped instead of letting them stay idle.

Save fuel

Gasoline and heating oil prices have soared.One city floated the idea of turning off half of its 513 street lamps to stem rising costs and shave up to $24,000 off the annual budget.Another measure involves recycling engine oil from city vehicles and using it to heat municipal garages in winter.

Save 50% on Gasoline!

A lot of the gestures are small,but they will all add-up over time.One town wants to harness power from two century old local dams.The dams can produce enough electricity to supply up to 800 homes that would be sold to the energy grid.

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